Knowing the Hidden Costs of Running Your Own Business

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Having a small business doesn’t mean you have small responsibilities. Running your own business costs a lot including rent, employee wages, travel and transportation and other financial obligations. Aside from these costs, there are several hidden costs of running a business and it’s important to identify these costs to avoid further problems.

The following are hidden costs of running your own business and how to deal with them.

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Office Supplies

Spending on office supplies is often in small amount but is frequently done making it hard for you to notice. After paying few hundred dollars for paper, printer and ink, you won’t immediately realize that you are spending a thousand dollars for them. You need to plan for your office supplies since they are necessary expenses for your business.



How much do you spend for your internet service, electricity and gas? Same true with your home, office supplies may cost you quickly. Think carefully about the cost of utilities before renting office space or buying a property. Consider that taking too much space means higher utility bills than necessary.


Spending on insurance coverage is actually something you have to do. Paying your premiums every year means it’s easy to hide for the better part of the year. It is recommended for you to make a list of every type of insurance you have that may include employer liability coverage, worker’s compensation, key employee insurance and renter’s insurance.
From the list take note the due for each premium payment. Monthly billing can be also a good option to help you manage this expense better.

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